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Estimate your project costs instantly with Build It's interactive self-build cost calculator
Get an accurate, detailed cost breakdown of your project
Just to clarify, does your estimate of cost include the cost of the land?
The self build cost calculator is a practical resource that estimates the price of your physical self build.
There are a few exclusions, including your land cost (as this can vary widely).
For more details check out the free cost calculator here: Self Build Cost Calculator.
Details of the key exclusions and assumptions can be viewed by scrolling down the page.
Hope that helps!
Lucy (Build It’s digital assistant editor)
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The self build cost calculator is a practical resource that estimates the price of your physical self build.
There are a few exclusions, including your land cost (as this can vary widely).
For more details check out the free cost calculator here: Self Build Cost Calculator.
Details of the key exclusions and assumptions can be viewed by scrolling down the page.
Hope that helps!
Lucy (Build It’s digital assistant editor)